Date: finished in April 22, 2005
Duration: 6 min.
This piece is inspired by Jules Verne’s novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. In this piece, sound samples from piano, glasses, and a computer keyboard are transformed through convolution, ring modulation, time stretching techniques to represent the imagined soundscape of a submarine and waves. The piece is also intended to portray the shimmering scenes under the sea when an imagined submarine passes through, flashing the light around for illumination. Reverberation effects are used in this piece to give the impression of mystery, and the sudden surge of textural density and velocity is also used several times to create different surprises in this adventure. The piece ends with a fade-out drone to represent the continuation of the journey toward more adventures under the sea.
這首曲子是來自閱讀法國作家 Jules Verne 所著之科幻小說《海底二萬浬》所得之靈感。 此曲藉由 convolution (兩種聲音的音色參數相乘而得之新音色之聲音合成技巧)、ring modulation (一種頻率調變的聲音合成)、granular synthesis (粒子化聲音合成)、time stretching(聲音延展)、spectral filtering (頻譜濾波處理)等聲音變形與合成之技巧,將鋼琴聲、玻璃碎裂聲、電腦鍵盤的打字等聲音重新合成或變形,並依照音樂發展的需要與音色變化的需求,將聲音檔 案相互疊合或歷時排列,用以描繪幻想中乘坐潛水艇至深海中探險時,所見聞之海底聲響世界以及探照燈照耀之下海中光影的變化。 此曲並透過 reverb(殘響)的聲音處理,營造一種神秘的色彩,而樂曲中張力的驟然起落,則代表著海底歷險所帶來的各種驚奇。樂曲尾聲以持續變化的長音及其音量淡出的方式,表達後續未完的一連串更精彩的海底歷險。