This orchestral piece Image of Time was the call-for-scores winner of “Tune in to Taiwan 2002 – Taiwan Composers Series” held by National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center and Asian Composers' League in Taiwan.
Title: Image of Time (for Orchestra ) 《時間印象》
Duration: ca. 15 min.
Date: finished on June 2001
Program Note:
Life expectancy for men is limited and no one can really have the whole control over time and over one's life. However, our perception about time is never limited by the physical time or clock time. When we are listening to music, what we feel about time is quiet different from the temporal experiences of our daily routines. Drawing on the techniques used in literature and movies such as montage, flashback, etc., also inspired by Kramer's ideas about time in music (vertical time, gestural time, moment time, etc.), I tried to compose a piece that can possibly change some specified listeners' perception about time by special formal design, intended control of repetitions, quotations, etc..
This piece was selected to be presented by National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan in "Tune in to Taiwan 2002 - Taiwan Composers Series" in National Concert Hall in Taiwan in November of 2002.
人的生命有限,沒有人可以真的掌握自己的生命長短,儘管有些人並不願意直接面對這個潛藏在每個生命背後的終極問題,但對藝術工作者而言,在藝術的領域中,人卻可以操控時間,即使這種藝術中的時間操控,對於現實生命的無常與生滅而言,也許只是一個無謂的掙扎或吶喊,但也不乏作為一種情感抒發的媒介與安慰。 對於我自身的經驗而言,也自覺到回憶或幻想常是自己最易取得的精神慰藉,而聆賞或創作藝術作品的過程則提供了一種脫離物理性時空限制之暫時性解放,進而在聆賞時或創作時得以藉此忘卻「現實」生活中種種負面經驗,並提供另一個可以拋開俗塵煩憂的虛擬時空。
我除了寄情於音樂之外,也極欲試圖從宗教或哲學中找尋自身的定位與理解人生苦樂的其他角度,儘管凡人如我並無法體會佛家「空性」的說法,但也從莊周夢蝶所傳達出的另類思考中瞭解夢與現實之間,何者為真,何者為虛,其實並無絕對的說法,而一切認知上的虛實、悲喜、苦樂、生滅之間,可能只是主觀的造作而已。西方哲學家康德則認為我們通常所謂的現實,其實是我們的感官和智力對這一現實的感知和理解,而非這一現實自身;如果說有現實的話,那是經過我們的感官和理解力過濾的「我們的現實」,因此康德說:「在我們身上,任何認知過程在時間上都不能先於經驗。」 相似的想法在東方提供了一種達觀的人生觀,在西方則被用來強調主觀感受,並肯定人類思考的價值。在藝術的創作與欣賞過程中,也造就了一種虛擬的時空,在這種時空中,個人的主觀感受得到強調,可以暫時不去拘泥於「時鐘時間」與其背後「現實」中的苦惱;在這種時空中,所有回憶或綺想都可以變得真實。