Title: Dancing Leaves of Autumn (duet for soprano sax and piano) 《秋夜之舞》
Date: finished on December 10, 2003
Duration: ca. 5 min 35 sec
Program Note:
This piece is intended to depict the falling leaves of the trees which dance with the wind in fall on my campus, University of North Texas. It is divided into four sections, Andante comodo, Adagio sereno, Moderato appassionato, and Andante nostalgico. These sections depict different gestures suggested by leaves picking up and dropping with the wind. The movement ends with a diminuendo passage of sax improvisation which is intended to represent the way “dancers” of leaves gradually dance away while only the illusion of the rustle from their dance steps is left behind for the audience, just like a pleasant moment in life that passes so soon but exists forever in memory.
此曲的靈感乃來自在美求學期間,偶然間聽到薩克斯風主修的學生,隨性地在音樂系館外即興演奏時的美感經驗,和著滿地落葉隨著秋風起舞時的沙沙作響,時而激昂,時而沈吟,滿地落葉或簇擁成群,或零星起舞,交織成一片美麗的翕響,也喚起內心一絲恬淡與閒散。 此曲共分四個段落,舒適的行板,寂靜的慢板、激昂的中板、懷舊的行板,並包含薩克斯風的即興片段,以描寫落葉隨風起舞的種種姿態,全曲結束於薩克斯風漸行漸遠的即興中。