2010年1月22日 星期五

《雪咒》(為二胡、長笛、鋼琴與大提琴與Max/MSP的四重奏 互動音樂)

Snow Spell for Flute, Erhu, Cello, Piano, and Max/MSP

Title: Snow Spell (Real-time for Erhu, Flute, Cello, and Piano, and Max/MSP)《雪咒》(為二胡、長笛、鋼琴與大提琴與Max/MSP的四重奏 互動音樂)

Duration: ca. 18 min.

Finished Date: March 25, 2007

片段 1

片段 2

片段 3

Program Notes:

This one-movement piece, Snow Spell for erhu, flute, cello, piano and Max/MSP, is intended to depict the beauty of a snow scene mixed with eastern cultural association and related personal fantasy by presenting four different impressions of snow through music, The First Snowflake, Footprints Vanishing in the Storm, A Soliloquy in the Snow, and The Past Melts from the Window Panes. The four impressions of the snow scene will be presented in order in music through different textures, timbres, and temporalities. Transitions will obscure the demarcation between the four different sections. Pentatonic scales, traditional erhu glissandi, embellishment, and pizzicato techniques, and quotations from Chinese folk tune River of Sorrow are incorporated to evoke Chinese folklore as a context for the images of snow. The pitch structure focuses on the interval of a third, used both diatonically and chromatically in (0 1 4) or (0 1 4 5) pitch sets in order to combine the elements of eastern pentatonic materials, and western atonal techniques as a whole.

給二胡、長笛、大提琴、鋼琴、Max/MSP 之四重奏單樂章作品《雪咒》(Snow Spell) 之創作靈感源於欣賞雪景之時所喚起之夾雜著文化聯想、個人情感與幻想的四種對雪的印象(英文標題因文化之不同,僅以相似的意象命名之) — 「初雪晶瑩落地融」 (The First Snowflake)、「漫天飛雪掩孤墳」 (Footprints vanishing in the storm)、「雪夜獨白」 (A Soliloquy in the Snow)、「雪疏風杳記憶殘」 (The Past Melts from the Window Panes)。樂曲依照此四個雪的印象為段落標題,依序發展。每個段落之間,或以音樂過渡相連結而模糊了標題段落的區分,或以織度對比、張力起落、和聲的穩定度及不同的音樂時間感傳達不同的標題意象,彼此串連成曲。樂曲中並運用二胡的各種傳統滑音、裝飾音的技巧,結合不同撥絃技法,藉以傳達中國文化的意象;此外,也藉由引用二胡名曲《江河水》的音樂片段於「雪夜獨白」的段落中,呈現《雪咒》一曲所要表達的對於往事陳跡之無奈與感傷,並引發對於中國文化中各種淒美印象的聯想。全曲運用三度音程為主要動機,轉換於調性與無調性之間,以期將東方素材及西方的創作技法融合為一。

